Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brown rice granola

This granola is tasty, easy and is also my base for sunflower bars.
6 C gluten free rice crispies
1/2 rice bran /I use EnerG
1/2 C Perky crunchy rice cereal
1/2 C coconut
Combine well and add:
1/2C oil
1/2C honey
1/2C water
Spread out well on a large, well greased cookie sheet and bake at 250 for 1 hour.
After it is done take off cookie sheet and let cool down in a container, otherwise it will stick
Options to add are:
sunflower seeds

Honey Corn Bread Muffins

Today I had a wonderful discussion group at the library in Chestertown MD.I always enjoy picking up tips from others on their successes with living gluten free. As promised I am writing out my cornbread recipe, this is also the base I use for my Thanksgiving gluten free cornbread/sausage stuffing.


1C cornmeal
1C white rice flour
2/3 C sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2/3 C orange juice
1/3 C oil
11/2 tsp baking powder, 11/2 T water, 1 1/2 T oil (used as a substitute for 1 egg)
1/4 C honey
2 tsp gelatin
Combine all ingredients well and drop into mini muffin tins. Cook at 400 for 15 minutes.